DONUTS Magnetic Wireless Charger

2022-01-06 Digital Intelligence 3001 6 13


China · Other Industries

DONUTS Magnetic Wireless Charger

2022-01-06 Digital Intelligence 3001 6 13


China · Other Industries

With the release of the iPhone12, Apple launched its own wireless charging scheme, because the magnetic attraction adds the "fixed" attribute and also brings us new design ideas. "DONUTS" adopts a hollow design to further reduce the weight of the product. The shape looks like a doughnut, giving people a kind and lovely feeling, and satisfying people's pursuit of personalized spiritual pursuit. We have also made patterns of different tastes. When charging, you can also feel different fun.
Along with the release of iPhone12, Apple introduced its own wireless charging solution, because magnetic attraction has added the "fixed" attribute and also brought us new design ideas. "DONUTS" uses a hollow design to further reduce the weight of the product. The shape is like a donut, giving people a cordial and lovely feeling, and meeting people's spiritual pursuit of individualization. We have also made patterns of different tastes. When charging, you can also feel different fun.

Designer: Design Anyway
Copyright: patent protection, prohibit commercial use, do not copy and misappropriate without authorization, offenders will be prosecuted.

Magnetic suction charging,doughnut,
Magnetic suction charging,doughnut,
Magnetic suction charging,doughnut,
Magnetic suction charging,doughnut,
13 9
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Comment Board (6)


The weight can't be reduced much, but the cost has increased a lot.

可爱多 2022-01-07

Kind of cute

Ash 2022-01-07


yiyo 2022-01-07

相濡以沫 2022-01-07

Not bad

天黑别数羊 2022-01-07

Circle is used a lot

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