Enter a constant temperature cup
The thermostatic cup integrates thermostatic tea and wireless charging of mobile devices (mobile phones, 3C products, etc.);
Continuous heat preservation tea drink has a constant temperature of 55 ℃, maintaining a moderate and rich taste at all times;
The ceramic mug integrates the design of wireless charging base, which can not only keep warm tea and drink, but also realize mobile phone charging in office scenes.
Status: Listed
Brand: into a tea electric appliance
Photo Source: Real Photograph
Designer: Into One Design
Copyright: patent protection, commercial use is prohibited, please do not reprint and misappropriate without authorization, offenders will be prosecuted.
The copyright of this work belongs to DaBinDesign. No use is allowed without explicit permission from owner.
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Why can some pictures have no wires when mobile phones are charged and heated wirelessly? Is it for the effect diagram? Or can there really be no wires?
The cushion is a 55-degree constant temperature cushion, which can be used for wireless charging at the same time???
Black elegance, really nice
It looks so good.