retro bluetooth speaker

2023-07-05 Digital Intelligence 3661 5 23


China · Home Appliance

retro bluetooth speaker

2023-07-05 Digital Intelligence 3661 5 23


China · Home Appliance

Rice Elephant Design | Retro Bluetooth Speaker

Retro Bluetooth speaker, with vinyl record player elements as the main feature, metal plating as embellishment combined with leather handle, presents a retro temperament under the collision of materials and the blessing of vinyl record player elements.
Bluetooth speaker is the application of Bluetooth technology in traditional digital and multimedia speakers, so that users can avoid the annoying wire, comfortable in a variety of ways to listen to music. Since the advent of Bluetooth speakers, with the development of smart terminals by mobile phone tablet and other users of widespread concern. Bluetooth technology (Bluetooth) makes it possible to make speakers wireless. All kinds of well-known brands have launched many "Bluetooth speakers" with various shapes. Consumers can have super fashionable and convenient Bluetooth speakers by spending tens of yuan to more than 3000 yuan.

Product Design | Brand Design | Innovative Structure Research and Development | Animation Video Production
Scene Rendering | Graphic Design | Product Modeling

@ rice elephant design-wang xujin

Bluetooth Speaker ,loudspeaker box,retro bluetooth speaker,Mini speaker,
Bluetooth Speaker ,loudspeaker box,retro bluetooth speaker,Mini speaker,
Bluetooth Speaker ,loudspeaker box,retro bluetooth speaker,Mini speaker,
Bluetooth Speaker ,loudspeaker box,retro bluetooth speaker,Mini speaker,
Bluetooth Speaker ,loudspeaker box,retro bluetooth speaker,Mini speaker,
Bluetooth Speaker ,loudspeaker box,retro bluetooth speaker,Mini speaker,
Bluetooth Speaker ,loudspeaker box,retro bluetooth speaker,Mini speaker,
Bluetooth Speaker ,loudspeaker box,retro bluetooth speaker,Mini speaker,
Bluetooth Speaker ,loudspeaker box,retro bluetooth speaker,Mini speaker,
Bluetooth Speaker ,loudspeaker box,retro bluetooth speaker,Mini speaker,
23 45
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Comment Board (5)

夏天夏星辰 2023-07-05

做一个温柔的人 2023-07-05

The kind of you want to start

新乡学生 2023-07-05


无名小姐 2023-07-05

Not bad

小丑八怪 2023-07-05

very chronological

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