Car-to-car communication-low-tech smart helmet [commercial draft]]

2022-08-22 Outdoor Sport 6825 7 69
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Car-to-car communication-low-tech smart helmet [commercial draft]]

2022-08-22 Outdoor Sport 6825 7 69
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This is an exported bicycle helmet, which is the selling point of intelligent communication between cars.
This is a bicycle helmet for export, which focuses on the selling point of intelligent communication between cars.

Bicycle,Helmet,lamp,automative lighting,motion,science and technology,cmf,future,

In terms of function, it is actually a low-tech product. It adds a turn signal remote control on the handlebar to control the cool gadget on the head. When gravity slows down, it lights up the brake light. The idea is to present the communication language of the car on the helmet, so that the bicycle can also participate.

In terms of function, it is actually a low-tech product. It is added with a turn signal remote control on the handlebar to control the cool thing on the top of the head. The brake light will light up when the gravity feels decelerated. The idea is to present the communication language of the car on the helmet, so that the bicycle can also participate in such an idea.

Bicycle,Helmet,lamp,automative lighting,motion,science and technology,cmf,future,
Bicycle,Helmet,lamp,automative lighting,motion,science and technology,cmf,future,

In order to express the fine texture under the limited process, the part of the lamp uses the wrapped net to reflect the texture, and the gradual transparent black covering method is used to visually deal with the layered feeling

In order to express fine texture under limited technology, the lamp part uses a net to reflect the texture, and uses a gradual transparent black covering method to visually process the layering.

Bicycle,Helmet,lamp,automative lighting,motion,science and technology,cmf,future,
Bicycle,Helmet,lamp,automative lighting,motion,science and technology,cmf,future,

This is my work three years ago when I was designing in Zhichuan. Now we are still working together. Generally good manusc-ripts have been selected by customers. I will send them out for sharing.

This is my work three years ago when I was designing in Zhichuan. Now we are still cooperating. Generally, good manuscripts have been selected by customers. This will be sent out and shared.

Bicycle,Helmet,lamp,automative lighting,motion,science and technology,cmf,future,
69 59
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Comment Board (7)

许文华 | Wenhua Xu 2022-08-22

Three years ago, it was just a cow.

伊甸园 2022-08-22

Compared with ordinary helmets, the induction has been raised by a level.

Ace名洋 2022-08-22


玩世不恭 2022-08-22

The red stripes in the back flash

北极不下雪 2022-08-22

So handsome

Save Me 2022-08-22

This is too cool, isn't it

ZENMOKE 2022-08-22

amazing work

Owners (2)

China · Home Furniture

China · Other Industries

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