I try to discuss a question, how can an object be considered to have life? And when we think it has life, what is it? Just like our feelings for plush dolls, I can feel that the feeling of life does not only exist in objective creatures, but is a human concept of the process of decline. I used ready-made balloons and pots to simulate the growth and decline of plants to the lowest degree. To my surprise, it produced strange feelings that organisms do not have.
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I suddenly saw the last one and felt very shocked.
I didn't mean to refute your work. I felt from seeing your work. Your work is great. Every viewer feels different when he sees it.
Life is an arrangement of hundreds of millions of cells. After entering the end, the cell arrangement becomes unstable and eventually dissipates. It becomes a cell after cell. The cycle is endless.
It's really well written.
There is depth
A bunch of grapes
Artistic thinking
This kind of consciousness transfer is absolutely unique very artistic!
The balloon is dead
Imagination is really rich.
A bunch of grapes