Not seen in the sky market-"Bag Vest"

2022-05-31 Outdoor Sport 4444 13 82


China · Home Furniture

Not seen in the sky market-"Bag Vest"

2022-05-31 Outdoor Sport 4444 13 82


China · Home Furniture

In this series, I think it is not limited to the form, but more focused on expressing some behaviors or feelings that can resonate with everyone in the market life through the genre of the product. I hope that through such design style products, people can rethink what design is?

vest,Environment-Friendly Bag,market,deformation,Not seeing the sky,convenient,fashion,texture of material,
vest,Environment-Friendly Bag,market,deformation,Not seeing the sky,convenient,fashion,texture of material,
vest,Environment-Friendly Bag,market,deformation,Not seeing the sky,convenient,fashion,texture of material,

I want to design a piece that expresses the state presented by a "master" who can choose goods calmly when shopping. In autumn and winter, there are two meaningless things to go out for food. One is to take an empty bag when you go, and the other is to take off the clothes when you go hot. Take these two less natural and unrestrained items as the starting point and make the proper natural and unrestrained setting on the bag. For example, the zipper openings on the left and right sides form the action of inserting pockets. Also, because there are bags on the left and right sides, things can be put in the collar, which makes people unconsciously insert things into the "chest pocket. Through simple settings, the behavior in the concept of "formal dress" is reflected.

vest,Environment-Friendly Bag,market,deformation,Not seeing the sky,convenient,fashion,texture of material,

Thing: I designed this work for narcissistic Amin. When Amin goes to Tun cuisine, he will wear this special little waistcoat. Compared with other people coming in big bags and small bags, Amin will carry every onion and garlic directly in his pocket, repeating the posture of constantly inserting the bag, which is like the fashion of a stage show, making him different from other people who put the bag into it and look very calm. When his pocket was full, he took off his waistcoat, lifted it and left. He smiled at Ah Hong, who was a little messy with his clothes tied to his waist.

vest,Environment-Friendly Bag,market,deformation,Not seeing the sky,convenient,fashion,texture of material,
vest,Environment-Friendly Bag,market,deformation,Not seeing the sky,convenient,fashion,texture of material,
82 19
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Comment Board (13)

陈面梦千 2023-11-28

Great starting point,

兼职奶爸 2022-06-14

Don't be copied by LV, hurry ~

林界 2022-06-02

Is it not good to be decent?

业余反喷选手 2022-06-01

Don't you consider a joint name with clot?

GS · DESIGN 2022-06-01

Wonderful ah ha ha ha

温柔年岁 2022-06-01

Too talented


Laugh me to death

你我将岁月两清 2022-06-01

It's a little hot to wear in summer.

再一步 2022-06-01

Life is greatly modified, ha ha



Rikaka 2022-06-01

It's so funny!

快乐在明天 2022-05-31

Woven bags can also be used as clothes.

有梦就不怕痛 2022-05-31

Too talented

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