Big Brother, I originally wanted to ask if it would be useless to get the picture that can be strung together to the bottom. As a result, I looked at Taobao and sold well. How do you think about this? If it were me, I wouldn't dare to do this. Ask big brother for advice.
The composition of this plastic crayon is different from that of a silky crayon. It can be drawn for a long time, leaving holes in the middle and stringing them together. Children like it very much and won't lose it.
Big Brother, I originally wanted to ask if it would be useless to get the picture that can be strung together to the bottom. As a result, I looked at Taobao and sold well. How do you think about this? If it were me, I wouldn't dare to do this. Ask big brother for advice.
It is a bright spot to be able to string together.
This kind of dirty hands is especially popular now.
It's really nice
Is it listed?