Appearance Design of Ice Cream Machine Cabinet

2019-11-12 Tools&Equipment 2972 5 9


China · Digital Intelligence

Appearance Design of Ice Cream Machine Cabinet

2019-11-12 Tools&Equipment 2972 5 9


China · Digital Intelligence

LKK Rococo design team conducted in-depth research on the brand market at the beginning of the project, and extracted the strongest brand gene for the "ice machine" brand. Subvert the traditional concept of creating "vending machines" and innovate brand-new selling scenes.
LKK Rococo designers have customized their own strategy research plan for ice robots, and proposed a "inverted trapezoid" design plan to save the floor space of the machine. At the same time, through the design of combining interactive screen and window advertisement, the problems such as unattractive advertisement of traditional cabinet light box and unobvious profit are solved.
In the logo design at the top of the ice cream machine, in order to enhance the recognition degree and emphasize the product attributes, the designer has done more processing on the font, and starting from the user, added a "interesting" appearance design, turning a traditional box-type ice cream machine into a scene-oriented and interesting ice cream "processing factory".
The design of the user's usage scene allows users to freely choose ingredients according to their preferences and match 400 kinds of ice cream flavors. The breathing lamp design with the cup mouth "personifies" the ice cream machine and improves the interaction between the cold machine and the user.
The clear product strategy of ice machine and people greatly reduces the risk of the product after it is put on the market, and realizes the brand logic of explosive models. LKK Rococo's strategy team emphasizes "user thinking" and is not eager to define any product or blindly define any function. But from the perspective of real scenes and users, polishing the products with heart and heart. Provide users with the best product vision, modeling and interactive experience. Shaping real good goods that can land and realize a virtuous circle. Through good word-of-mouth to generate leverage effect, to speak for users, so as to create their own business value for customers to maximize.
the products created by the rococo team for the ice machines make the advantages of the ice machines more obvious in the new retail field. At the 18th Zero Expo, this product became the focus, and the Rococo team helped the ice machine to move to the front end of the industry.

Design of ice cream cabinet,Appearance design of chassis and cabinet,Electronic product design,
Design of ice cream cabinet,Appearance design of chassis and cabinet,Electronic product design,
Design of ice cream cabinet,Appearance design of chassis and cabinet,Electronic product design,
Design of ice cream cabinet,Appearance design of chassis and cabinet,Electronic product design,
Design of ice cream cabinet,Appearance design of chassis and cabinet,Electronic product design,
9 15
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Comment Board (5)

fallbeing 2019-11-13

The Eskimos strongly condemned

浪漫樱花 2019-11-12

I like the form of sketch, but the picture is really a little sticky

半夏半暖半倾城 2019-11-12

The grass picture is too careful. It's great.

陌生的风景 2019-11-12

Can big brothers upload high-definition pictures? It's hard to watch.

点滴成长 2019-11-12

Not bad

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