Bear Electric X Reid Design | Bear Light Healing Hair Dryer-Brand Design

18 hours ago Home Appliance 1505 5 21


China · Other Industries

Bear Electric X Reid Design | Bear Light Healing Hair Dryer-Brand Design

18 hours ago Home Appliance 1505 5 21


China · Other Industries

Project Background]
In 2022, Cubs decided to rediscover new opportunities in the hair dryer market. Taking this opportunity, "Reid Design" was invited to design high-speed hair dryer series products for it as a breakthrough product for its re-layout of the track.

project information]
Customer service: bear electrical appliances
Service Team: Red Design Brand
Service content: brand strategy, product definition, packaging design
Service time: 2022

Project Objectives]
With the goal of "strengthening the rigid demand category and expanding the emerging category", the business scope of "Little Bear" is extended horizontally into the track. Based on the need to re-lay out the track and open up a new blue ocean market, relying on the "orogenic sea".®Working method ", Rhett design choose the flagship best-selling" double together "competitive strategy to help" bear "quickly enter the high-speed hair dryer market.

# Anchoring high-end, breaking the market
Introduce LLLT low-energy red light technology and pure water halo, extract the "technology ring" as a product visual symbol, integrate technology elements into the design language, explore diversified usage scenarios, and shape high-value perception.

The design language of beauty products is transferred, and rose gold texture color matching and micro pearl texture are adopted to create fashionable and advanced product appearance and form unique product brand.

Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,

Established for many years, "Little Bear" is gradually developing based on the younger strategy, and its core brand users are the younger generation who are curious and pursuing new lifestyles, especially young female users. It is this group of "new people" who like to try new things that have promoted the double breakthrough in demand and scale of small appliances.

Huge consumption growth space, so that "bear" to see the vast blue ocean market, to "strengthen the just need category, big emerging category" as the goal, "bear" business scope is also horizontal extension cut into a guard track, and hair dryer is a guard track market capacity of one of the largest categories.

Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
Red design,product design,Product definition,Product strategy,Personal care products,hair drier,High speed hair dryer,
21 4
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Comment Board (5)

墙上的向日葵 1 hours ago

pink and tender

天空之城 1 hours ago

good brand

和你在一起 1 hours ago

It's too beautiful, isn't it

怀爷爷 17 hours ago

Bear and small appliances are really good.

黑影 17 hours ago


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