Intelligent companion robot

2021-03-10 Digital Intelligence 7110 6 47


China · Digital Intelligence

Intelligent companion robot

2021-03-10 Digital Intelligence 7110 6 47


China · Digital Intelligence

This design focuses on the elderly and provides an interesting product for the life of the elderly. This design is inspired by the details of life. In our usual film and television works, public service advertisements or some scenes, there will always be an old radio beside the old man. For the elderly, the scientific and technological life brought about by the progress of science and technology is often not acceptable to them. In addition, the busy life of their children and the communication with the elderly become less, and the elderly are nothing more than their partner or radio. Therefore, I designed an intelligent dialogue robot inspired by the radio to bring a convenient, portable and happy lifestyle for the elderly. At the same time, this product can be carried out with me and can experience the technological life brought to them with other elderly people.

intelligence,Portable,family,Elderly design,hommization,household electrical appliances,Digital,
intelligence,Portable,family,Elderly design,hommization,household electrical appliances,Digital,
intelligence,Portable,family,Elderly design,hommization,household electrical appliances,Digital,
intelligence,Portable,family,Elderly design,hommization,household electrical appliances,Digital,
intelligence,Portable,family,Elderly design,hommization,household electrical appliances,Digital,
intelligence,Portable,family,Elderly design,hommization,household electrical appliances,Digital,
intelligence,Portable,family,Elderly design,hommization,household electrical appliances,Digital,
intelligence,Portable,family,Elderly design,hommization,household electrical appliances,Digital,
intelligence,Portable,family,Elderly design,hommization,household electrical appliances,Digital,
47 179
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Comment Board (6)

海沦 2021-03-16

Hello, find your design appearance, add the ben1357988

135****5950 2021-03-11

This shows the wrong area, right

小苹果 2021-03-10

I thought it was a good-looking speaker.

sunnydan 2021-03-10


Hanry G 2021-03-10

It feels good!

看看 2021-03-10

I want to buy a series after watching it.

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