AR Glasses

2024-03-21 Digital Intelligence 3640 5 37


China · Digital Intelligence

AR Glasses

2024-03-21 Digital Intelligence 3640 5 37


China · Digital Intelligence

After Apple's AR glasses came out, there was another wave of AR with fire. It sorted out a headwear AR glasses made for Weizhi Technology two years ago. The simple detachable headband design is matched with different materials and can be replaced according to user preferences and usage scenarios. The chip integration and battery are all placed on the host computer, greatly reducing the weight of the head display, with the design style of future Cyberstyle and the design elements of mecha, VR\AR glasses belonging to the future are created.
Author: Building Island Studio
CATEGORY: Smart Products
Works have been listed and protected by patent, shall not be commercial, offenders will be investigated for legal responsibility once found

Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
Ar glasses,Mixed reality,VR glasses,
37 26
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Comment Board (5)

Hambo汉堡 2024-03-21

Well ahead. Okay.

造设岛工作室Owner 2024-03-21
Two and a half years ahead😁
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熊出没 2024-03-21

it looks good

学霸 2024-03-21

Full marks for effect

你会坚强的@ 2024-03-21

It's not easy

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