Carter Mark × Rhett Design | Representative Cookware for New Kitchen Life-Product Design

2022-03-31 Kitchen&Bathroom 26206 48 255


China · Other Industries

Carter Mark × Rhett Design | Representative Cookware for New Kitchen Life-Product Design

2022-03-31 Kitchen&Bathroom 26206 48 255


China · Other Industries

Rhett's design and products take "super definition-visual definition of symbols" as the core strategy, and extract visual symbols such as waves, whales, maple leaves, records and so on through the context connection of good life and nature, so as to create a series of pots with unique appearance memory such as wave pot, whale pot, record pot and maple leaf pot for Tmall's top ten new brands in the home, by creating the color and functionalization of symbols, each product can be effectively transmitted, forming a unique mental memory in the hearts of consumers, and at the same time, it can transmit a unified brand value proposition, and quickly become a new business card of the brand.

Service Customer: Carter Mark
Service Team: Rhett Design Products
Service Content: Symbol Visual Definition | Product Design | CMF Design
Service hours: 2021

With the upgrading of the times and the advancement of life, the kitchen is no longer a simple space to solve the problem of food and clothing, it represents a way of life. The new generation of "exquisite and lazy" young people release pressure through the process of communicating with food, and easily please themselves. As far as the most common kitchen cookware is concerned, it must also be able to give a sense of life ritual, so the choice of kitchen cookware is more interesting and designed products.

Catermark's new life series of cookware breaks the inherent form of traditional cookware. The high-value and interesting design makes cooking pleasing to the eye, making the dull kitchen vivid and fresh in an instant, and opening up a new battlefield for the personalized kitchen in the era of Yan value.

/Super Design Triggers Business Future

Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
Red design,Carter mark,cookware,level of appearance,young,delicate,articles for daily use,
255 356
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Comment Board (48)

188****2592 2024-04-11

The kitchen products are too colorful. Will they be ugly when they are dirty?

智诚三维设计 2023-04-17

The parting seems to be divided on my side.

大韦德。 2022-04-21

Please ask the boss what kind of material is the blue oil coated with varnish?

QQQ 2022-04-21
Enamel baking varnish?
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鱼行老板 2022-04-20

This pot does not sell well, but the cookware should be relatively simple. The octagonal pot and maple leaf pot sell well.

壹佳设计 2022-04-20

Why is there a handle that is off-axis? Is there any design point? I can't see it, and the lid doesn't seem to stand up

Diviner. 2022-09-08
It's a little painful for the left-handed crowd.
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壹佳设计 2022-04-20

This production process has to kill people

瑞德设计Owner 2022-04-20
This series of products are already on the market, you can buy them back and give them a try if you are interested.
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innocence 2022-04-11

Is this pot sold in the market?

瑞德设计Owner 2022-04-12
Yes, the wave pot, record pot, maple leaf pot and whale pot are all online. You can search for Carter Mark keywords ~
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ben999 2022-04-11

Solid modeling skills


Tmd is really beautiful

This is C4D rendering, right

瑞德设计Owner 2022-04-02
It's a keyshot ~
痛木 2022-04-08
Are those dishes rendered?! Great wow
一凡造物工业设计 2022-04-08
That's the background map.
^~^ 2022-04-08
Many friends think that the good picture must be C4D. Facts have proved that KS can also achieve
一凡造物工业设计 2022-04-08
Yes, agree
哇哈哈吼 2022-04-15
Is C4d rendering really powerful? No, I always thought it was lower than keyshot
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🆔傻仔👺🤏 2022-04-02

How much is this

设计梦想家·YUAN 2022-04-01

The old employer's design is getting better and better.

瑞德设计Owner 2022-04-01
Wow, I caught an old friend and wish you better and better
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джентльмен 2022-04-01

The first pot cover element, the enamel pot I made last year, but I was too lazy to build such a difficult model and gave up. now it looks really good

瑞德设计Owner 2022-04-01
The wave pot is beautiful, give it a try next time you have an idea ~
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来自新手村 2022-04-01

Well, it's a bit for differentiation. this should be party a's creative logic. the design is only responsible for drawing lines

LL 2022-04-01
? The design is as simple as drawing a line. Why don't I know
瑞德设计Owner 2022-04-01
We and cartmark are annual strategic partners, and the market feedback of these products is also very good. we will continue to cooperate in the development of new products in the future ~ if you have any questions about this case, please contact small r: 18072961769
吃薯片吗 2022-04-01
Listening to your words is better than reading ten years!! If the school has such brilliance as you, I will immediately ask to drop out of school and worship you as a teacher! After all, I 've been drawing lines since babies.
来自新手村 2022-04-01
It started with drawing lines. Why are you so serious? Ha ha. It is also a talent to draw lines from babies, straight lines and curved lines.
吃薯片吗 2022-04-02
Take the big boss's praise! I am still studying, and I will come to consult with you modestly in the future.
来自新手村 2022-04-02
If you are not sincere, designers should have empathy and accept different views with an open mind. What I understand is that Party A has made considerable efforts in these products and is facing the competitive pressure of market followers. It may involve trade secrets. The design company should solicit Party A's wishes in a respectful manner when issuing cases. The current environment is indeed facing a lot of uncertainty and needs to survive, but there are still principles that should be.
ZORO 2022-04-08
Talking about empathy needs to be based on the premise of mutual respect, such as Party A who can say that the design is only drawing lines, which shows that the cognitive level is limited.
来自新手村 2022-04-10
Well, I was wrong. Dear designer, I learned.
壹佳设计 2022-04-20
Production cost, Party A does not know whether to consider
韩小熊 2022-04-20
Does this pot sell so well without considering the production cost? Ha, ha, ha, ha
来自新手村 2022-04-20
The cost estimate of mass production is about four-five times higher than that of conventional cookware. The problem of technology landing is not big. The defect is that it is not suitable for mass production. However, it is still suitable for the differentiated thinking of new brands and is pushed to some unreasonable consumer groups.
李振兴 2023-04-01
I have been a product manager for 15 years, and I also share a few words. It is right to consider color value and differentiation in product design, but don't ignore users and production. Although the record pot is good-looking, it has too many design languages and too many parts, and the production cost will definitely not be low. Then it is Carter's brand positioning. If it is cost-effective, the positioning of this product will have problems and will not necessarily sell well. At present, there is no Tmall flagship store, only a Taobao C store is selling it.
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单眼皮我 2022-03-31

like it!

瑞德设计Owner 2022-04-01
me too
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